This is my current list of the top 25 most wanted figures. It’s mine and mine alone. I easily listed over 50 figures and it was tough to narrow it down to just 25. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the variety of Top 25 characters shared by the community and realize there’s a vast amount of publish and gaming I need to catch up on. While I’m no longer an in-box completist, I eventually get around to buying at least one of everything to complete my loose archive of the line. #pallets
Having said all this, I just spent around $150 installing an 8-foot long by 25-inch deep shelf to display my Jabba’s sail barge, skiffs, Jabba’s Palace Adventure Set, Boba Fett’s Throne Room converted to Jabba’s Throne Room, and the Jabba the Hutt Action Playset. Including the shelf build, that’s over a $1,000 investment—not to mention all the money spent on custom lighting. This doesn’t even include the figures. With that in mind, my focus this year is primarily on wanting more world-building characters to add to my “Jabba Shelf.” The first 30 minutes of Return of the Jedi are among my top two or three favorite sequences in Star Wars. I’m forgetting who on the Bantha Skull Disqus comments made this observation, but an all-new AT-AT Driver could have his lower body leveraged for Shasa Tiel, who shares the same boots. My top 3 were recently highlighted here: Jabba Denizen Character Debut 3 Pack Wish List.

I would like to see more Rogue One figures, including Luthen Rael from Andor. I’d also like to see some prequel Jedi updates and a new version of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to accompany the new dark side Anakin/Darth Vader. While TVC 1.0 included some new pod racers, Sebulba is long overdue, and that picture of him below would make a great card back. From a hero standpoint, I’d love to see an updated Death Star II Luke/Darth Vader Funeral Luke. We need this Luke to complement our recent Vader figure, and the last version from 2007/2008 is an abomination. I’d love to start seeing some definitive updates from The Empire Strikes Back and for me that starts with an all new Hoth Han. Yeah yeah yeah, we need that Bespin Han too and that’s a no brainer. Speaking of no brainers, Obi-Wan from Revenge of the Sith needs to happen since we are getting an updated Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Leia Ewok Village needs an update too, it’s 26 years old..
Below is my list along with some key points about it:
- Sasha Tiel – Return of the Jedi
- Yotts Orren – Return of the Jedi
- Fozec – Return of the Jedi
- Barada – Return of the Jedi
- Window Weequay/ Weequay Marksman – Return of the Jedi
- Arleil Schous – A New Hope
- Baze Malbus – Rogue One
- Brethupp – Return of the Jedi
- Luthen Rael – Andor
- Boba Fett – The Empire Strikes Back
- Chewbacca – Return of the Jedi
- C-3PO – A New Hope
- Two Tubes – Rogue One
- Saw Gerrera – Rogue One
- Sergeant Ruescott Melshi – Rogue One
- AT-AT Driver – The Empire Strikes Back
- Endor Rebel Commando – Return of the Jedi
- Ki-Adi Mundi – Revenge of the Sith
- Saesee Tiin – Revenge of the Sith
- Sebulba – The Phantom Menance
- Supreme Chancellor Palpatine – Jedi Arrest – Revenge of the Sith
- Princess Leia Organa – Ewok Village – Return of the Jedi
- Luke Skywalker – Death Star II – Return of the Jedi
- Han Solo – Hoth Gear (TESB)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi – Revenge of the Sith
Additional Insights
- 11 Aliens
- 9 Character Debuts
- 7 Characters never updated in super articulated form. (Barada, Baze, Two Tubes, Saw, Sebulba, Leia, Ki-Adi swivel elbows)
- 6 Different Medias
- 1 The Phantom Menace
- 4 Revenge of the Sith
- 1 Andor
- 4 Rogue One
- 2 A New Hope
- 3 The Empire Strikes Back
- 10 Return of the Jedi
- All primary characters minus Luthen I ranked last since I believe they will have more voting and more voting ranked higher.
- Yes, I want an all new Chewbacca. From the ground up. Rrrrrrrraaaahhhhh