There’s a school bus full of Jabba Goons I want in the line, maybe 2 school buses. We have so many world building items from the first 30 minutes of Return of the Jedi so I can’t help but think of all the Jabba’s Court Denizens that are still needed to fill my Khetanna (Jabba’s barge), throne room, skiffs, and Jabba’s Palace adventure set.

When we look at insights from the Last Figure Standing 2024 and we filter down to Return of the Jedi, the first 3 never made in 3.75″ at the top of the list are Fozec, Shasa Tiel, and Yotts Orren. Let’s speak to each one of these goons and why else we need them in the line.
Yotts Orren
Yotts is part of the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon where Luke mows down 2 skiffs of Jabba Goons with the help of R2, Han, Chewie, and Lando (while Leia slays the Hutt). During this skirmish, Yotts is on the 2nd Skiff driven by Pote Snitkin which carries Gailid, Lathe, Brock Starsher, Mercenary Pilot, Shirtless Male, and Barada. After the infamous force kick from Luke that takes out the mercenary pilot, Yotts comes from the rear of the skiff, forgetting to use his DL-18, and gets mowed down by Luke’s lightsaber sending him in a flipping tumble to his final resting place in the belly of the mighty sarlaac. Yotts is the next skiff guard who needs to be made and I should note that Hasbro has a solid track record of executing on the Nikto species in 3.75″. There’s 6 of them in TVC where one of them was a TBS 3.75 repack (Vizam). I would buy at least 4. One for my second skiff, one for my Jabba’s Throne Room, one to throw in the barge, and one to keep carded.
Fozec is seen all over Jabba’s palace and then Jabba’s sail barge during the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon. My friends at have been sayin this for years, he’s a prominent character in the palace. In the first scene we see Jabba in, Fozec is just behind his left shoulder talking to Nizuc Bek and quite often, during the palace scenes, he’s seen behind Jabba next to the rotisserie spit. From there, Fozec is seen in almost every scene minus the Rancor pit. It’s important to note that he interacts with Han, Luke and 3PO as well so this lends to a case that Fozec should be a key component to completing scenes, especially when interacting with primary characters. Shasa Tiel is also seen throughout these scenes closely near Fozec. The galleries below include my custom Fozec on card, in the barge, and in Jabba’s palace in his usual spot. I’m so thankful to have this custom and need to thank Evergrey, Hermans, and Peak for their help. Lastly, I can’t imagine my barge or Jabba’s Palace without Fozec. I’m bummed folks without this custom don’t have him to fill the gap in their dioramas. I’d also buy at least 4 Fozecs. Fozec can also be leveraged to make the shirtless male on the 2nd skiff.
Shasa Tiel
It’s hard to imagine there’s never been a Shasa Tiel action figure made in 3.75″. Her head was airbrushed out of the Kenner card for Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and thankfully kept in the film out for VC175 Luke Skywalker in TVC. Her huge green Ishi Tib noggin stands out in many scenes of Jabba’s Palace and, as noted above, is seen not far from Fozec in a few scenes. If you look close she’s seen throwing her arms in the air with excitement during the Rancor Pit scene (see photos below). She’s apparently quite the spectator since she’s seen again on the barge with Ree-Yees and Tessek rooting on the death of Luke and Han. We have Tessek and Ree-Yees so it would be great to add Shasa to my barge diorama to complete that shot. I’m very thankful to have a custom Shasa Tiel from friends Everygrey, Hermans, and the late Stan Opiel II. I’ve been able to recreate the iconic scene mentioned earlier where Shasa Tiel is behind Luke as he points Nizuc Bek’s DL-18 at Jabba before he falls into the Rancor pit. A collector who’s name is escaping me has mentioned that if a new AT-AT Driver is made, Shasa Tiel may share the same boots and might even be able to pull off the same pants/lower body as the driver. So please Hasbro, make a new AT-AT Driver as part of the Complete the 96 and this will open the door for a partial tool Shasa Tiel. I’d buy a solid case of Shasa Tiels to add her to those scenes noted above and to leverage for some Ishi Tib customs.
And there you have it. I apologize for the long article and hope I made a case to have some key background characters that have never been made before in any scale. We have purchased a $500 Haslab Khetanna, $230 Throne Room, an adventure set, a sarlaac, and skiff vehicles, not to mention, tons of Jabba Denizens and heroes over the years to warrant we need these 3 to flesh out these scenes we’ve been building out for well over 4 decades.
Please share your thoughts in the discus comments below.
Close ups of the 3 card backs: